Phil + Mary
After a few years of building a portfolio then two years into the industry, I knew that couples + weddings were my absolute favorite. Not to say that all moments aren't important because they are but I knew that I was drawn to them completely. Needless to say, I love anything that has to do with love & capturing it. I’m all about couples deciding how they want to be themselves + celebrate it.
I obviously love the big celebrations but I think it’s equally amazing that Phil + Mary decided to forego the traditions for their wedding day when they eloped in Washington to officially tie the knot. Their adventurous souls (they lived + traveled to wherever their hearts desired in a van) it couldn’t have come as a surprise but they also chose to throw a little party for their family + friends to celebrate at the St. Louis City Museum + add a dash of tradition (a beautiful tea ceremony during the ceremony) to do so but also be true to themselves & keep it fun + light-hearted. Just above the city skyline, they had their first dance, cut in a yummy Whole Foods cake, enjoyed a few drinks with their closest loved ones, + snuck away to the rooftop with me for a few portraits too! It was truly such a wonderful celebration to capture so here are some of my favorites!